Saturday, December 15, 2012

And We're Back!

And we're back!  I have created a new blog so that I may continue sharing delicious food with you all.

Come check out the new site with my newest recipes at

I have also updated my new site with my previous recipes for one-stop menu planning!

Enjoy! :-) 

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Yikes!  Turns out I have reached my photo quota for Blogspot! 

I will have to change my web address to a different host that has more photo space.  If anyone knows of any service that allows for a lot of images please let me know, as I am not tech savvy in the least. 

I have at least six recipes that I have prepared over Thanksgiving and this past week to share with you all, so be prepared in the future to get your cook on! 

This page will be updated with the change in address once it has happened so you can continue to cook with me!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Eggnog Pumpkin Pie

This Thanksgiving my family came from all over to celebrate at my parent's house.  There was so much food but the best part of course were the desserts.  Everyone brought a pie, including apple pie, blueberry pie, pecan pie, chocolate pudding pie, and carrot cake whoopee pies, which all were to die for, but what's a Thanksgiving without pumpkin pie?  To complete the scene I made an Eggnog Pumpkin Pie.  After a debate between which eggnog is the best, a taste test found that Stewart's brand eggnog came out on top.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Balsamic Roasted Buttercup Squash with Mushrooms

Buttercup squash is a popular winter squash with a sweet and nutty flavor and creamy texture.  It is more closely related to sweet potatoes than pumpkins in taste.  This recipe plays between tangy and sweet with a balsamic glaze atop the squash and mushrooms.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Black Pepper Almonds

At Thanksgiving we always have a bunch of snacks out to hold my family over until the big meal.  One of these snacks is Black Pepper Almonds which provides a spicy sweet morsel.  These almonds never last long, and when making them we have to try to limit ourselves to make sure there are enough left over for Thanksgiving.

Meyer Lemon Chess Pie

Last year at about this time I decided that I needed to add a new plant to brighten up my indoor garden.  I wanted something unique and with pizazz, and with that I went online and bought a Dwarf Meyer Lemon tree.  It came as a one-year-old twig with 3 leaves on it and has since grown into the most awkward looking plant I ever did lay my eyes upon.  With one branch sticking out so far that it is longer than the main trunk itself, the tree is growing askew.  This poor tree requires supports and stakes to keep it upright, and because it has managed to flower and grow 9 beautiful lemons it is weighed down even more.  My first 3 lemons ripened this week, the rest to ripen soon.  I was so excited to have homegrown (in upstate New York!!) Meyer lemons that I absolutely had to make a variation of the American classic Chess Pie.  Meyer lemons are sweeter and less acidic than regular lemons.

Cheddar Cheese Souffle

As Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching, bringing along with it To-Do lists that are out the door, it's nice to make a dinner that is quick and cheap.  My mom and I made this delicate Cheddar Cheese Souffle for dinner last night and ate the whole thing between four of us.  The key to a souffle - no jumping in the kitchen.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Minestrone Soup

Happy Halloween!  I got to spend today with some amazing children who made me feel like a kid all over again.  It was such an incredible experience to celebrate a fun holiday with children gabbing about their costumes and saying how they will be bringing the biggest pillowcase they have to go Trick-or-Treating.  The best part of my days at fieldwork is always walking into the kindergarten classroom and being attacked by kids screaming "Miss Laura! Miss Laura is here!!" as they clamber their way through the group to hug fiercely at my legs and never let go until I pry them off.  We got to break from the usual routine of me playing the OT and them learning sensory-integration skills to being scary monsters at the Halloween party.  Costume choices this year range from the classic Spiderman to the latest Draculaura, a vegan vampire on Monster High.  My favorite; a young kindergartener excitedly told me she will be dressing as Nicki Minaj - yikes!  The party began with Michael Jackson's "Thriller" as the kids ran around fighting for a seat in a frightful game of musical chairs.  We even had a wild dance party where some break dancing kids showed off their moves.  Funfetti cake with Halloween sprinkles was enjoyed and grapes were eaten as though they were tasty eyeballs.  All I could say while I was there, and still have continued to say since I have returned home, is, "This is the BEST day EVER!"  I don't think I could have enjoyed myself more and I will always remember these amazing kids and the thrill of Halloween that sparked such elation. 
To finish off the already perfect day I decided to make a soup that I have eaten for as long as I can remember on Halloween.  Every year my mom has made Minestrone soup for us to devour before we paraded out into the night.  And I couldn't go without it tonight.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Butternut Squash Gnocchi with Roasted Seeds

As I was preparing these gnocchi I was wondering if squash would really be considered a vegetable or if perhaps it is a fruit.  My Google searches helped to no avail in answering this question, giving reasons that it is a fruit due to the seeds being on the inside and that it comes from the flower, or that it is a vegetable due to it being a member of the Curcurbita family of vegetables.  I say tomato, tomato.  I love all squash; acorn, spaghetti, kabocha, and of course, butternut.  Each has a unique flavor and texture that can't be beat by any other vegetable...or fruit.  I was incredibly excited that my mom gave me not one, but two, butternut squash from her garden this year, and today I have been in my kitchen since 8am perfecting this Butternut Squash Gnocchi recipe.  With toasted squash seeds, that dare I say are more flavorful than pumpkin seeds, this dish makes a great Sunday evening meal with delicious leftovers for the week. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pumpkin Bread Muffins with Cranberries and Chocolate

This weekend has been the most successful and productive weekend I have had in a long time.  I have been incredibly motivated to work on and finish all my projects, presentations, and papers for school, clean my whole house, and even bake muffins!  After making Pumpkin Cream Cheese I had a bowl of pumpkin sitting in my fridge just waiting for me to make something delicious.  I was about to make pumpkin bread but it wasn't until I finished making the batter that I realized I don't have a loaf pan!  So muffins they are.  And boy are they delicious.  With the tart tang of cranberries and smooth sweet chocolate, it doesn't get much better.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Pumpkin Cream Cheese

It is a very rare occasion that I would choose to put anything other than cream cheese and ham on my toasted everything bagel.  But the other day while my friends and I were at Bruegger's Bagels for lunch I saw a sign for pumpkin cream cheese and it has been on my mind ever since.  I finally had the time to put together the flavors that I imagine are in pumpkin cream cheese, and boy am I glad I did.  My regular cream cheese and ham has been put on hold until further notice.  This Pumpkin Cream Cheese also tastes amazing with apples, pretzels, graham crackers... pretty much anything you can think of!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Pan de Almidon - Ecuadorian Yuca Bread

Two years ago my best friend Mercy invited me down to Ecuador for a month long visit.  It was one of the most amazing trips I've ever experienced.  We stayed with her family in Porto Viejo but traveled the whole country to places like Guayaquil, Cotacachi, Puyo, Quito, Salinas, and Riobamba, and saw breath taking sites from the Pacific Ocean to the Amazon rainforest and even erupting volcanoes.  I truly believe in experiencing different cultures through their food and I ate many different things during my stay, such as cow udder and guinea pig.  I also had the opportunity to participate in many activities that I will never forget, such as zip lining across rainforests, singing with her uncle's mariachi band called Mexico Lindo, and bungee jumping off a bridge down 350 feet over a rocky ravine.  But the best part of the trip was spending time with a beautiful family and sharing in their culture.

While we were in Ecuador we ate a ton of Pan de Almidon, or Yuca Bread (gluten free!).  It is made with yuca flour and fresh Oaxaca cheese.  I have not found Oaxaca cheese in upstate NY but it tastes like a cross between fresh mozzarella and feta cheese, which can be used as substitutes.  Mercy's aunt, who we lovingly call Mami Maria, was kind enough to bring me cheese and coffee on her trip up to NY.  She has also provided me with an authentic Ecuadorian recipe for Pan de Almidon.  Pan de Almidon is great for anytime of the day, and when paired with Ecuadorian coffee it makes it a delightful treat.  I want to sincerely thank Mami Maria and Mercy for sending me these goodies, you two are wonderful and I love you both!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Feta Couscous Cakes with Tomato Olive Salad

What a busy week this has been!  I feel like I've hardly had time to eat!  Lucky for me I got to have dinner at my parents house this weekend where my mom and I made these Feta Couscous Cakes with Tomato Olive Salad.  It was probably the first real meal I've had all week.  This recipe makes 8 cakes.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Spiced Applesauce

Happy First Day of Fall!!!  Today is very exciting as it is the start of all good things; sweaters, blankets, crunchy leaves, crisp air, hot cocoa, and everything apples!  I went apple picking with my fiance yesterday and came home with dozens of apples.  Macoun, empire, suncrisp, honeycrisp, and red delicious, to name a few.  I'm feeling there might be an Apple Week in the mist.

Today I decided to make a delicious Spiced Applesauce which filled my home with the smell of autumn.  It is a cinch to make and tastes incredibly better than store bought applesauce.  You can use whichever apple variety you'd like, though I think the sweeter apples work better.  Apple varieties can also be blended to make the sauce extra special.  I used two red delicious, two macouns, one empire, and one suncrisp.  This recipe can easily be doubled.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Shredded Cabbage Soup

Today has been a perfect day.  I have been lounging around in sweatpants and slippers, wrapped in a blanket and enjoying this windy, stormy afternoon.  What better dish to enjoy on a rainy day than a warm cup of soup with late season garden vegetables. This is my mom's recipe and is definitely a family favorite.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Lulu's Horribly Good Cookies

Several years ago I was visiting family in Salem, MA, a beautiful city full of history and culture.  Better yet, Salem is home to one of the best bakeries I have ever come across.  Unfortunately, I do not even know the name of it.  I was probably 10 years old, my family and I were walking down a sidewalk near the ocean that was lined with cute little shops.  We came across some packaged goodies for sale on a table in front of a bakery and took a quick look to see what they had.  We found these huge chocolate chip cookies called Horribly Good Cookies.  This sparked our interest and we entered the store to ask the woman why they are called "Horribly Good."  Her reply was that they are so incredibly chocolatey that either people think they are just horrible, or people think they are wicked good!  Being lovers of chocolate we decided to buy several cookies.  Upon opening the bag and sinking my teeth into what I assumed was just a chocolate chip cookie was the biggest surprise a 10 year old could have.  The cookie was actually stuffed with a brownie!  I decided that my mission in life was to try to figure out how to replicate that Horribly Good Cookie from the bakery in Salem.  I think I have finally created a replica that will suit my desire for these cookies, though nothing will beat the surprise of that first bite I had on the beach with my family all those years ago.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Crockpot Honey Asian Chicken

One of my most used kitchen appliances is my Crockpot.  In my opinion, it is one of the greatest culinary inventions ever created.  Dumping ingredients in a bowl, turning it on, and coming back 3 hours later to a delicious meal is my kind of cooking.  This Honey Asian Chicken is definitely a "go-to" recipe in my house.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Handmade Pasta

Now that I am getting back into the swing of school I am having less time to cook dinner.  Lately I have been eating sandwiches or Ramen (eek!) because I have zero time to prepare a nice meal.  So today I set out to make a bunch of batches of handmade pasta to freeze for those days when I want a nice meal with no time to make it.  Handmade pasta is incredibly easy to make no matter how scary it sounds!  You can use a rolling pin if you don't have a pasta machine, just be sure to roll it very thin.  I have included many, many pictures to demonstrate each step.

This recipe makes about 1/2 pound of pasta.


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Rainy Day Popovers

I am loving the weather today.  All morning it has been cool with strong winds and the smell of rain to come.  This afternoon the skies opened up and buckets of rain have been pouring down, accompanied by clashes of thunder and flashes of lightening.  I have been standing at my sliding glass door with it wide open, as I always do when it rains, breathing in the fresh rainy air and watching the waves of rain beat over the ground.  I love it. 

I especially love warm baked breads on rainy days like today.  Popovers are light, hollow rolls that can be sweetened with jams or whipped cream, or made savory with meats and cheese.  I enjoy mine plain, with an occasional slathering of raspberry jam, should the mood strike.  They are often made in a popover tin, but as I do not have one a regular muffin tin works just the same.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Sage Brown Butter Sauce

The other day my mom was asking what to do with all the sage she is growing in her garden.  I suggested a mouth-watering Sage Brown Butter Sauce to go with a heavy pasta, such as gnocchi, ravioli, or tortellini.  It only has three ingredients that can come together in less than 15 minutes for a quick and easy mid-week meal.  Don't forget the crusty bread to sop up the sauce!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Iced Green Tea with Jasmine, Apple, and Honey

Every summer since high school my friends and I go to Hampton Beach, NH.  It started as an exciting adventure to leave NY when we first got our licenses, but has become so much more.  It has provided a reason for us to get back together after moving away to college and getting jobs in far away places.  Yesterday we made a day trip out; 7 hours on Hampton Beach is completely worth the 8 hour drive.  On the long drive home we listened to some excellent music by our favorite bands from high school, some of which include: Meat Loaf, Queen, Don McClean, Blink 182, Shakira, and of course, songs from Rent and Disney.  Apparently singing my heart out did a number on my vocal cords and I woke up without a voice.  I knew I had to make something to soothe my throat.  This Iced Green Tea with Jasmine, Apple, and Honey has done just that.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Peach Almond Free Form Pie

A free form pie is making a pie without a pie pan by folding up the crust around the filling.  This pie has tender peaches topped with a crumbly almond and brown sugar topping.  Serve with vanilla ice cream.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Roasted Red Pepper Pasta Sauce

I recently went to my parents house and loaded up on fresh vegetables from the garden.  The red peppers are finally ripening!  I have been waiting all summer to make this dish.  A saucy pasta dish is hard to botch, but plain tomato sauce can get pretty boring.  To jazz it up, substitute the tomatoes with roasted red peppers and voila!  A delicious Roasted Red Pepper Pasta Sauce to accompany the wonderful noodle.  Fresh picked basil adds a whole depth of flavor to this sauce.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Cream Cheese Filled Carrot Cake Muffins

I officially own a muffin tin!  I have always wanted one but never got around to getting one until yesterday.  To celebrate I decided to make scrumptious carrot cake muffins loaded with cream cheese frosting.  The best part of these muffins is the design the cream cheese makes when you bake them.  I think this one looks like a Star Wars tie fighter.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Spicy Asian Noodles

Asian food is my absolute favorite style of food.  This Spicy Asian Noodles is a quick and easy way to bring Asian cuisine into your home without all the fuss of julienning vegetables or buying a wok.  It is similar to Pad Thai, but has a thinner, less peanut buttery sauce.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Roasted Chickpeas

Roasted Chickpeas is an easy way to get the healthy benefits of eating beans while enjoying a crunchy munchy snack.  The flavor combinations are endless; I never make mine the same way twice.  Tonight I made them with cumin, chili powder, garlic powder, salt, and cayenne.

No Bake Chocolate Banana Cake

Ever get the craving for a nice big hunk of chocolate cake but never feel like pulling out the mixer, heating up the oven, and baking a huge cake when you only want a slice?  No Bake Chocolate Banana Cake is the solution!  It is a rich, decadent chocolate cake loaded with bananas, and best of all, you cook it in the microwave. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Guinness Beef Stew

Fall is my favorite season.  It has the perfect not-too-hot, not-too-cold weather, beautiful turning leaves, and of course the best food.  Pumpkin pie, roasted turkey, cranberry sauce, hot chocolate, mashed potatoes, and best of all, beef stew.  I have been looking forward to the fall all summer and couldn't resist making a pre-season beef stew.  This recipe has been in my family for years.

Watermelon Slush

I have a ton of watermelon in my fridge just begging me to eat it.  I have eaten so much of it this summer I think I might explode.  So I decided to make something with it to make it a little more exciting.  This Watermelon Slush is a perfect ending to a beautiful summer day.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Chocolate Strawberry Biscotti

I sat outside this morning drinking my cup of formosa oolong and contemplating what delicious food I should make today.  As I stared into my cup of tea it dawned on me.  A twice baked cookie would compliment my tea quite nicely.  But it couldn't just be any biscotti, it had to include summer fruit and, of course, chocolate.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Fruit Tart

 As much as I love cake, for my birthday I always end up choosing Fruit Tart for my dessert.  My birthday happens to fall in the perfect time of summer, when fruits are ripe and perfectly sweet.  This Fruit Tart is a delightful balance of juicy fruit, sweetened cream cheese, and flaky crust.  I could eat the whole thing in one sitting if my brothers didn't try to stab me with their forks for a piece.  Needless to say, we always make two.

Eggplant Parmesan

For the past week I have been so excited about my birthday meal that I was drooling before I even walked into my parent's house yesterday.  I chose one of my most favorite dishes, Eggplant Parmesan.  It is simply divine and I hardly ever get the chance to eat it.  My mom and I cooked it for 8 people, with tons of extra, so feel free to halve the recipe for a smaller dinner party.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Christmas Cinnamon Rolls

Every Christmas morning, before the rest of my family gets out of bed, I am down in the kitchen with my mom making a whole spread of delectable sweets which we feast on throughout the day.  We don't do the normal Christmas dinner with the nice turkey or ham, we do tooth achingly sweet breads.  Monkey bread and cinnamon rolls.  She makes the monkey bread, I make the rolls.  It's tradition. 

This morning I woke up singing Christmas songs as though I were dreaming of the season.  I immediately got up and put on my Christmas radio station on Pandora and got a hankering for warm, gooey cinnamon rolls.  Yes, I do realize it is only August.  I also realize Christmas is only 4 months and 8 days away!!!

So I set out to make these rolls.  They require a pretty good amount of time to make as the dough needs to rise twice.  I jumped up and ran to the grocery store to gather some ingredients I was out of and hurried home to begin.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Chocolate Iced Coffee

Anyone who knows me would say that my drink of choice is tea.  But dare I say that ever since grad school I have become quite partial to iced coffee. I guess I need that extra burst of caffeine to get me through the day.  Of course, I have to load it up with sugar to the max to make it tolerable, but it is definitely growing on me.  I can never bring myself to buy an iced coffee at Starbucks or Dunkin' Donuts, however, when the craving strikes I luckily have this delicious recipe to fall back on.

Kale Chips

One of my most favorite midnight snacks to eat is chips.  Unfortunately, they are not the healthiest of things to eat.  So I try to experiment with different ingredients to provide that crispy, salty, munchy snack that is okay to go back for seconds.  And thirds...

Kale chips is one such snack.

They are one of the easiest things to make, and I have made them about eight times just this past month alone.  It helps a lot having a mom who loves to garden and grows bountiful amounts of veggies; enough to supply the whole family, friends, and even the neighbors.  When she gives me bags of kale I know that kale chips will be next on the list of things to make.